Eight of Cups – Tarot Card Meaning

The Eight of Cups, or Chalices, suggests that a certain situation has run its course and it is time to work away. There is nothing you can do to fix the situation, and how it is hurting you. But don’t ignore the mistakes that you have made that led you to this position, or you are at risk of making them all over again.

Upright Tarot Card Meanings – In Brief

In the upright position, the Eight of Cups suggests that you have realized that a certain situation is not working out. This is disappointing for you because you have invested a lot in this, but just because you have spent a lot of time making a mistake doesn’t mean you should keep making it.

Reversed Tarot Card Meanings – In Brief

In the reversed position, the Eight of Cups suggests that you are unsure whether to walk away from a certain situation or give it one more try. Whatever you choose to do, don’t just drift and let things happen. Take control of your path and direction by making proactive decisions about your future.

Examples of the Eight of Cups from different Tarot decks

Eight of Cups – Tarot Card Description

While the Eight of Cups card appears differently in different decks, most pull on the symbology represented in the Rider Waite deck.

A man looks downcast as he walks away from eight cups, arranged in such as way that it seems like one is missing. These suggest that the man is giving up on something and that the situation he is abandoning is missing something essential.

Nearby there is a river, which represents the powerful emotions that this situation is bringing up. There is a way forward, which is illuminated by the moon, but the mountains suggest that the way ahead will not be easy.

Number – 8

The number eight is linked with the idea that actions have consequences. It reminds you that where you are today is based on the decisions you have made in the past. This is not necessarily a reprimand, but it does force you to take responsibility. But with responsibility for the past comes the power to shape the future.

Element – Water

The suit of Cups represents the water element in the Tarot and speaks to our emotions. It often calls on us to question how we are feeling and why. It reminds us that while our emotions can be difficult to manage, we have them for a reason. Listen to what they are telling you.

Eight of Cups – Upright Tarot Card Meaning

When the Eight of Cups appears in the upright position, it suggests that something in your life has not worked out the way that you expected. You have probably given a lot of time and energy to make something work, but you have finally realized that this will not work out, no matter what you do. This has resulted in a deep feeling of disappointment.

You have finally realized that you have nothing more to give to make something work and that you have nothing left to gain from a situation. Staying will probably cost you dearly. There is something important missing from the situation, and you have been pouring yourself into that gap to try and fill it. But this is like trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole.

But the eight of cups also suggests that while you have decided to walk away, you are ignoring the deeper emotional issues for why you took the wrong path or things didn’t work out. Your blindness in this area means that there is a high risk that you might repeat the same mistakes.

What to do?

When the Eight of Cups appears upright in the Tarot reading, it suggests that you are right to walk away from the situation before you. It is beyond fixing, and pulling you down rather than pushing you up. But be honest with yourself about what went wrong on your responsibility in this situation. If you ignore those hard truths, you may find yourself repeating the same mistakes.

Eight of Cups – Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

When the Eight of Cups appears reversed in a Tarot reading, it suggests that you are in decision limbo and you aren’t sure whether to stay or go in a certain situation. If it appears alongside passive cards in a Tarot reading, it suggests that you should have one last try. If it is combined with active cards, it often means that now is a time to make a clean break and walk away.

In the reverse position, the Eight of Cups can also suggest that you are drifting and letting life’s tides pull you along without deciding what is best for you. It is a warning that you should start making active decisions to build the life that you want. Make decisions that will fill the parts of your life that feel empty.

What to do?

If the Eight of Cups appears in the reversed position in a Tarot reading, it means that you are avoiding making decisions, and that is why you feel like you are listless and have no purpose. It is time to stop drifting and start making choices that will shape your life in positive ways.

Examples of the Eight of Cups from different Tarot decks

8 of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the Eight of Cups signifies a time of emotional transition, where the querent feels compelled to leave behind an unfulfilling relationship or situation in search of greater fulfillment and self-discovery. It suggests a difficult but necessary journey of letting go, driven by the realization that emotional needs are not being met.

This card encourages the querent to embrace change, trust in the journey towards emotional growth, and seek a path that aligns more closely with their true desires and emotional well-being.

8 of Cups in the Career Tarot Reading

In a career tarot reading, the Eight of Cups indicates a moment of professional reassessment, where the querent is considering walking away from a job, project, or career path that no longer fulfills them. It suggests the need for deeper professional satisfaction and the courage to seek out new opportunities that align more closely with one’s personal values and aspirations.

This card encourages the querent to trust their instincts, recognizing that leaving behind what is known, though difficult, may be the step needed to find true professional fulfillment and purpose.

8 of Cups in Relation to Other Tarot Cards

The Eight of Cups in relation to other Tarot cards provides nuanced insights into the querent’s journey of self-discovery, emotional growth, and the search for deeper meaning in various aspects of life. Here’s how the Eight of Cups interacts with a selection of specific cards, enriching the interpretation of a reading:

  • The Hermit: When paired with the Eight of Cups, The Hermit reinforces the theme of introspection and the search for inner truth. This combination suggests a powerful journey of self-discovery, where leaving behind what no longer serves is essential for personal growth. It emphasizes the importance of solitude and introspection in finding one’s path.
  • The Tower: Together, these cards suggest a significant upheaval or revelation that propels the querent to leave behind their current circumstances. The Tower’s sudden change combined with the Eight of Cups’ decision to move on indicates a transformative period where the destruction of old structures is necessary for emotional and spiritual growth.
  • Two of Wands: This card represents future planning and the horizon of possibilities. In conjunction with the Eight of Cups, it suggests that the querent’s decision to leave behind an unsatisfying situation is driven by a vision for a better future, highlighting the transition from dissatisfaction to proactive planning and exploration of new paths.
  • Six of Swords: Both cards signify transitions, but the Six of Swords, in particular, emphasizes movement away from turbulence towards calmer waters. When seen with the Eight of Cups, it underscores the theme of leaving difficulties behind in search of peace and stability, suggesting that the journey, while challenging, leads to healing and recovery.
  • Nine of Cups: Known as the “wish card,” the Nine of Cups appearing with the Eight of Cups can indicate that the querent’s decision to seek fulfillment elsewhere is aligned with their deepest wishes and will lead to emotional satisfaction. It reassures that the pursuit of true happiness and contentment is within reach, following the courageous decision to let go.

The Eight of Cups, when interpreted alongside other cards, offers a comprehensive look at the querent’s emotional state, the challenges they face in letting go, and the potential for renewal and growth that lies ahead. It highlights the difficult but rewarding process of moving beyond current limitations to pursue a more authentic and fulfilling path.

Eight of Cups Tarot Reading

When the Eight of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, it suggests that a certain situation is not working, and you know it. It is probably time to walk away. But make sure you learn from your mistakes and don’t ignore the deeper issues, or you are at risk of repeating the same mistakes.

Whatever you do, don’t let yourself drift. This is a recipe for a life without joy and fulfillment. Make active decisions to shape your best possible life.

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