Three of Cups – Tarot Card Meaning

The Three of Cups, or Chalices, represents the communities that raise us and lift us up. It takes a village and no one does anything entirely on their own. Respect what your community does for you and think about how you can contribute to the community. Remember that it is important to have the right community around you, and this requires work. Also, while it is fine to take time out when needed, remember that no man is an island.

Upright Tarot Card Meanings – In Brief

In the upright position, the Three of Cups suggests that now is a time to celebrate your community. Let your hair down and enjoy being with the people who care about you. Also, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and share, as you will probably find the support that you are looking for.

Reversed Tarot Card Meanings – In Brief

In the reversed position, the Three of Cups suggests that you are taking a step back from others at the moment. This may be for good reason, either to focus on yourself or to evaluate if you are filling your life with the right people. Take the time you need, but remember, we all need a community and you can’t do everything on your own.

Examples of the three of cups from various Tarot decks

Number – 3

The number three is linked with ideas of fortune and fate. It is no conincidence that the fates in many cultures appear as three women. But destiny is not set in stone, we make our own through our actions and choices. You need to decide what you want your destiny to be and pursue it with passion.

Element – Water

The suit of Cups represents the water element in the Tarot and speaks to our emotions. It often calls on us to question how we are feeling and why. It reminds us that while our emotions can be difficult to manage, we have them for a reason. Listen to what they are telling you.

Three of Cups – Tarot Card Description

While the Three of Cups card appears differently in different decks, most pull on the symbology represented in the Rider Waite deck.

The Three of Cups shows three women, dancing together, each holding a cup above their heads as if in a toast or a libation. The women look at one another and clearly appreciate one another and enjoy each other’s company. This is a group in harmony.

On the floor around their feet are flowers and fruits, symbols of abundance. They are a reminder that we live in communities and that no one can survive on their own, and represent the happiness we can find in the right community.

Three of Cups – Upright Tarot Card Meaning

When the Three of Cups appears in the upright position, it is a reminder that it takes a village and that no one ever does anything fully on their own. We are all standing on the shoulders of giants. It is probably a reminder that you have a strong and supportive community around you and now is the time to turn to them. They can help you if you are in need, or you have something to give that will bear fruit in the future.

The appearance of the Three of Cups can also signal a highly social time ahead of you. It suggests that you don’t resist and maybe be a bit more flexible so that you can spend quality time with the people who matter to you. Let your hair down, and maybe let your guard down to. It is OK to be vulnerable sometimes.

The Three of Cups can also be linked with creative projects and may suggest that now is a good time to take forward something that you have in mind. But it can also suggest that now is the time to look for collaborators to take a project to the next level.

The three women dancing on the Three of Cups often look like they belong to a witches’ coven. It is a reminder that when you have the right people on your team, magic happens. The card is also linked with ideas of fate and destiny. But it is a reminder that we write our own fates and shape our destiny through our actions. We might get to where we want to be faster with teh support of our tribe.

What to do?

When the Three of Cups appears upright in the Tarot reading, it is a reminder to be grateful for your community and to look to them. They are there to help them, and nourishing your community is its own reward as these are the people who lift you up.

Three of Cups – Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

When the Three of Cups appears reversed in a Tarot reading, it can suggest that you are feeling isolated. This is not always a bad thing, introverts often need time away from socializing to recharge their batteries. There is nothing wrong with taking a timeout to focus on yourself.

But in the reversed position, the Three of Cups can also suggest that you have become isolated from a group. They may have pushed you out, or you have backed away for some reason. Again, this is not always a bad thing as this group may not be healthy for you. But it is important that you evaluate what is happening and why.

Even if you are a highly independent person, the Three of Cups can remind you that no one can do everything on their own. You don’t need a big social circle, but you do need people that you can rely on. It is worth nurturing relationships with the most important people in your life who you can rely on. Remember, you need to give the same support that you hope to receive.

What to do?

If the Three of Cups appears in the reversed position in a Tarot reading, it suggests that you might need some time on your own. This could be to recharge your batteries, focus on a personal project, or to re-evaluate whether the people you are surrounding yourself with are the right people. While it is fine to take some time out, remember that everyone needs a community.

Examples of the Three of Cups from different Tarot decks

3 of Cups in a Love Tarot Reading

In a love tarot reading, the Three of Cups often symbolizes a time of joyous celebration, emotional fulfillment, and communal happiness in relationships. It suggests the possibility of engagements, weddings, or any form of celebration that acknowledges the love and bond between people. This card emphasizes the importance of supportive friendships and community in nurturing and sustaining romantic relationships, highlighting a period of harmony and shared happiness.

3 of Cups in a Career Tarot Reading

In a career tarot reading, the Three of Cups signifies teamwork, collaboration, and the celebration of collective achievements within the workplace. It indicates a harmonious work environment where colleagues support each other, leading to successful projects and accomplishments. This card suggests a time for recognizing the contributions of all team members, and encouraging festivities or team-building activities that strengthen professional relationships and morale.

3 of Cups in Relation to Other Tarot Cards

The Three of Cups’ relationship with other cards in a Tarot reading can shed light on various aspects of the querent’s life, from personal relationships to career dynamics. Here’s how the Three of Cups interacts with a selection of specific cards, offering a richer interpretation of the reading:

  • The Empress: This combination highlights abundance, fertility, and the nurturing aspect of relationships. When paired with the Three of Cups, it suggests a period of growth and joy that comes from deep emotional connections and support, potentially indicating celebrations related to new beginnings like engagements, marriages, or the birth of a child.
  • Five of Wands: The Five of Wands represents conflict, competition, and struggle. When seen with the Three of Cups, it may suggest that despite potential conflicts or challenges within a group setting, there is an underlying bond that can help resolve disputes and bring people together, emphasizing the importance of finding common ground and celebrating collective successes.
  • Ten of Pentacles: This card symbolizes wealth, stability, and long-term success. In conjunction with the Three of Cups, it suggests that familial and communal support are key to achieving and enjoying success. It can indicate a time of sharing prosperity with those close to you, celebrating milestones and achievements together.
  • The Hermit: The Hermit stands for introspection, solitude, and seeking inner wisdom. When it appears with the Three of Cups, it may highlight the need to balance social activities and communal joy with personal time for reflection. This pairing can suggest that while community is important, personal growth and understanding also come from moments of solitude and contemplation.
  • Ace of Swords: This card is about clarity, breakthroughs, and new ideas. Paired with the Three of Cups, it indicates that social interactions and communal support can lead to breakthroughs in understanding or the birth of new, innovative ideas. It suggests that celebrations or gatherings could be the breeding ground for insightful conversations and revelations.

The interaction between the Three of Cups and other Tarot cards provides nuanced insights into how communal joy, support, and celebration influence and are influenced by other energies in the querent’s life. By examining these relationships, a reader can offer a more comprehensive and detailed interpretation that speaks to the complexities of human experience.

Three of Cups Tarot Reading

When the Three of Cups appears in a Tarot reading, it draws attention to your community, the people who love and support you and expect the same from you. It can be a reminder of how important this community is and that these relationships need to be nurtured in the same way as romantic relationships.

In the upright position, the Three of Cups can suggest that now is the time to celebrate your community and turn to them for support. Reversed, it can suggest that you are passing through a period of isolation, probably a necessary one, but not to start thinking that you don’t need anybody.

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