Wheel of Fortune – Tarot Card Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune card reminds us that life is cyclical, and sometimes you are enjoying the good times, and other times you are enduring the bad. Wherever you are in the cycle, take advantage of it. Make the most of good luck to see how far you can push beyond your limits. Use challenging times to help you make necessary and lasting changes.

Upright Tarot Card Meanings – In Brief

In the upright position, the Wheel of Fortune card suggests that you are passing through a period of good luck. This can mean that now is the time to take risks as things are likely to go your way. But remember to act with integrity, as your actions will have consequences.

Reversed Tarot Card Meanings – In Brief

In the reversed position, the Wheel of Fortune acknowledges that you are passing through a challenging time. But try to look for opportunity in adversity. The discomfort that comes with challenge is often exactly what we need to make major and lasting changes.

Number – 10

The Wheel of Fortune card is linked with the number 10, which generally means that something has come to completion. This can be a challenging time, as you may feel like you are losing something even while you are achieving something you have worked hard for. You are also prepared for new challenges, so you may feel like you are on a downward trajectory, but this is just a new beginning.

Element – Fire

The Wheel of Fortune card is linked with the element of Fire and is linked with energetic life forces. While every life has its own core source of energy, it needs fuel to thrive and create sparks. It can be an indication that you need to take steps to fuel your own fire.

Planet – Jupiter

The planet Jupiter rules the Wheel of Fortune, which is fitting since it is the planet of good luck and growth. The universe does not just revolve, it revolves and expands at the same time. The same is true of the Wheel of Fortune. You aren’t going around in circles; you are growing with each rotation.

Wheel of Fortune – Tarot Card Description

While the Wheel of Fortune card appears differently in different decks, most pull on the symbology represented in the Rider Waite deck.

At the center of the card is a giant wheel. It is inscribed with the Hebrew letters YHVH, which is the unpronounceable name of god, and the letters TORA, which means law. There are also the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulfur, water, and salt, the building blocks of humanity. Together, these symbols represent universal law.

Three figures surround the wheel. The first is a snake, which could be Typhon, the Egyptian god of evil. The snake also represents life force entering the material world. There is also Anubis, the Egyptian god of death and rebirth in the afterlife, and a sphinx, which represents knowledge and strength.

On the four corners of the card are four winged figures, each representing a sign of the zodiac. The angel is Aquarius, the eagle is Scorpio, the lion is Leo, and the bull is Taurus. Their wings demonstrate an ability to create stability amidst the winds of change.

Read our profile of Hecate, the Greek goddess of witchcraft.

Examples of the Wheel of Fortune card from different Tarot decks

Wheel of Fortune – Upright Tarot Card Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune card reminds us that the only thing certain in life is change. When it is in the upright position, it usually means that you are on the upward rotation of the circle, and you can expect luck and fortune to be on your side at this time.

Make the most of it! It is always worth celebrating the good things in life, and you will eventually have to enter another descending period. The card is also a reminder that you can’t control everything and sometimes you have to go with the flow and just deal with difficult things as best you can until they resolve themselves naturally.

The Wheel of Fortune is also a karmic card that reminds us “what goes around comes around”. This is why it is incredibly important what we put out into the world. Remember to treat others well and always act with integrity.

What to do?

When the Wheel of Fortune card shows upright in a reading you can be reassured that you are passing through a time of good fortune. Take advantage and push your luck and see if you can make more of what you have. But remember what you do now will influence what happens next, so only release positivity.

Wheel of Fortune – Reversed Tarot Card Meaning

The Wheel of Fortune card will often appear reversed in a reading to acknowledge that you are passing through a period of back luck. It happens. It can remind us that our current situation is partially of our own making, because our previous actions have consequences and we are living those now.

But that does not mean that now is a time to mope and accept our fate. You have an opportunity to take control of what happens next by making smart decisions and taking concerted action. This can be a particularly good time to break negative cycles that are keeping you stuck in place.

The Wheel of Fortune card can acknowledge that change is sometimes forced upon us, and this can be difficult to accept. But once change has happened it cannot be undone. It is better to look to the future rather than wish the past back.

What to do?

The Wheel of Fortune card reversed probably means that you are going through a difficult time. But remember that adversity is often opportunity and now is a time when you can affect important change in your life. Focus on moving forward and what is next rather than lamenting what has already passed.

Wheel of Fortune in Relation to Other Tarot Cards

When examining The Wheel of Fortune in relation to other cards in the Tarot deck, its presence distinctly underscores themes of cycles, fate, and the ever-changing nature of life. Symbolizing the cosmic forces that influence the human journey, The Wheel of Fortune embodies the concept of destiny, luck, and the ebb and flow of fortune. This card encourages the querent to acknowledge the cyclical patterns in their life, to remain adaptable in the face of change, and to trust in the universe’s timing.

Relationship with the Major Arcana

In the grand narrative of the Major Arcana, The Wheel of Fortune serves as a reminder of life’s unpredictability and the inherent cycles of growth and change. Its interactions with other Major Arcana cards can reveal insights into the dynamics of transformation, acceptance, and the role of fate:

The Wheel of Fortune and The Magician: This pairing highlights the interplay between personal agency (The Magician) and the external forces of fate (The Wheel of Fortune). While The Magician represents the power to manifest and create, The Wheel of Fortune reminds us that there are also greater forces at work that can shift the course of events, suggesting a balance between action and surrender.

The Wheel of Fortune and Death: Together, these cards emphasize the theme of inevitable change. The Wheel of Fortune’s cyclical nature paired with Death’s symbol of transformation and endings underscores the transient nature of all things and the importance of letting go to make way for new beginnings.

The Wheel of Fortune and The Star: This combination speaks to the hope and guidance that can emerge from periods of change. The Wheel of Fortune, with its ups and downs, alongside The Star’s promise of renewal and inspiration, indicates that even in times of flux, there is a guiding light leading toward a brighter future.

Relationship with the Minor Arcana

The Wheel of Fortune’s connection with the Minor Arcana illuminates how themes of change, luck, and destiny manifest in the querent’s everyday life and personal development:

The Wheel of Fortune and Two of Pentacles: This pairing underscores the need for balance and adaptability in managing life’s fluctuations. The Two of Pentacles, symbolizing the juggling of responsibilities, reflects The Wheel of Fortune’s message of staying flexible and finding equilibrium amidst change.

The Wheel of Fortune and Ace of Wands: When appearing with the Ace of Wands, The Wheel of Fortune suggests that a new venture or creative beginning is on the horizon, influenced by timing and fortune. This combination encourages seizing the opportunities that come with life’s cycles, embracing the potential for growth and innovation.

The Wheel of Fortune and Ten of Cups: This pairing highlights the fluctuating nature of happiness and fulfillment. The Ten of Cups, representing emotional contentment and family bliss, alongside The Wheel of Fortune, reminds us that while external circumstances change, the foundation of love and connection remains a constant source of strength.

Wheel of Fortune Tarot Reading

When the Wheel of Fortune card appears in a Tarot reading, it is a reminder that life is a cycle of constant change. Sometimes you are in a period of positivity and success, and at other times, you are in a negative period of challenge. Both represent opportunity. When luck is on your side, you can push yourself further and make big gains. When you are on a downward trajectory, this is an opportunity to make big and necessary changes.

Remember that while the universe rotates, it expands at the same time. Your circle of life does the same thing. Each time you make the rotation, your trajectory gets bigger and your possibilities get more exciting.

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